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Cemcade Software Download: A Powerful and Integrated Cementing Software with Advanced Features


The Schlumberger CemCADE cementing design and evaluation software is integrated to help the user design and optimize various cementing job parameters.A successful cement job results in complete zonal isolation while saving time and money. In addition, a postjob analysis is necessary to ascertain zonal isolation and avoid any unnecessary remedial work.

Cementing is the process of displacing drilling fluids with cement. Among the many challenges cementing companies face are mud channeling, poor casing standoff, loss of circulation, unmanaged high temperature, etc. Since 2000, Pegasus Vertex, Inc. (PVI) has been involved in research and development of cementing software. Our award-winning and integrated cementing software CEMPRO+ has evolved from a simple hydraulics program to a comprehensive package covering casing centralization, circulating temperature, displacement efficiency, surge and swab, torque and drag, HTHP, foamed cement, and job evaluation.

Cemcade Software Download

We now have a CEMPRO+(cementing job model) introductory video, consisting of 3 parts. In the video, we give a broad, but complete overview of the software, exploring both the user interface and output graphs.

The first part of the video gives a quick overview and introduction to CEMPRO+'s full capabilities. The second portion provides a comprehensive tutorial and goes in depth on how to use CEMPRO+. In the final segment, an experienced instructor will describes how to use information from our software in a presentation.

PVI is launching a free cementing visualization app soon called CEMPRO Lite, a condensed version of the software that helps users quickly and accurately perform slurry volume calculations facilitating the viewing of wellbore schematics with fluids. CEMPRO Lite helps create realistic casing/working strings in one session using a variety of different string combinations. With CEMPRO Lite users are also able to view wellbore schematics with fluids by specifying the fluid location or the pumping volume.

PVI's technical contributions on surge pressure prediction are featured in this book.For a limited time, a complimentary 3-month Dr. DE leasing license will be included in any book purchases. Tax, shipping and handling cost will be applied. Contact for more information about book purchasing.

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Designing and supervision the cementing operations program for more than 3 cementing operational projects such as the AZAR field. SAADATABAD field and ZELOIE field. Simulation of cementing operation by using CEMCADE and WellPlan module of Landmark software

The software allows engineers to see big and complete pictures at the design stage. It reduces rig time by looking at the pump requirement for the particular wellbore configuration, slurry properties and operation parameters

CEMPRO software allows you to see the effects of various cement job design parameters before the job is actually performed. That way, many potential problems can be identified before the pumping starts, and appropriate modifications can be made. Lost circulation, fluids migration, poor cement bond, or slurry contamination can be avoided or minimized.

Having a standard software application provides consistency and confidence in results and helps reduce unnecessary errors which could jeopardize cementing operations. Software tools help foretell well behavior with enough notice to allow cementing teams to calmly make sound technical decisions that lead to a safer operation

Only ionic contaminants, such as salt water or brines. These are detected with the electrical conductivity function of the HPT tool. In zones of very high permeability (coarse grained sandy-gravel units) an estimated of groundwater specific conductance can be displayed in the Direct Image Viewer software. This would be observed by increasing EC and HPT pressure that does not follow that increase. 2ff7e9595c

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