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The word “bayamarathimasik” refers to the act of cleansing the mind. The word “raya” references to a spirit or energy that leaves the body at death. Bayamarathimasik, also known as “Rayaring,” is an important part of Zoroastrianism. The act was originally intended for one who had died, but it is now offered to those living as well. Nowadays, bayamarathimasik is performed by offering food and religious texts prior to sunrise on two consecutive days in July or August (the Gatha Ushahin). The offering is accompanied with a special prayer called "Vahishta Gatha" or "Gatha Ushahin", a litany of the 10,000 years of Zoroastrian history, as well as prayers for rain and new life. Bayamarathimasik is an important part of the Katha prayer, which is recited three times daily during ritual cleansing after ablution. The Katha prayer is considered to be the only heavenly scripture to have survived from before the arrival of Islam in Iran, and its recitation has been a part of every Zoroastrian's daily ritual for over 1,300 years. Zoroastrians believe that the entire Avesta was written by Zoroaster himself, and it is a collection of hymns and prayers for all aspects of life. Zoroastrianism was founded by Prophet Zoroaster, also known as Zarathustra, in ancient Iran approximately 3500 years ago. The religion has been separated into two distinct groups: Parsi and Irani. Parsis are from ancient Persia, while Iranis are from modern-day Iran. Both groups practice Zoroastrianism today. Zoroastrianism is the first monotheistic religion on Earth and was founded approximately 3500 years ago by Zoroaster. The word Zoroaster comes from his first and last names, meaning "illumined wisdom." Zoroaster's main idea was to unite humans with god, as he believed that, as humans were separated from god in nature, they should be united with him through goodness. Zoroaster repudiated the use of violence (killing) as a means of acquiring knowledge or advancing spirituality. According to this belief, all humans are obliged to spread God's message to others. The current number of Zoroastrians worldwide is estimated at less than 200,000. Zoroastrianism is no longer the main religion in Iran, and only a small number of Zoroastrians still live there today. However, Zoroastrianism is still one of the most important religions in India, where approximately 40% of the population practicing it. The majority of Zoroastrians live in Mumbai and Pune. According to Zoroaster's Gathas, the following equals bayamarathimasik:Bayamarathimasik encompasses 3 rights:The first step for using bayamarathimasik is choosing an individual to do so on your behalf. The person you choose must be an Ardavarz or higher rank to perform this act on your behalf. cfa1e77820